Wooster Collective!
November 25, 2003 on 12:39 am | In events and press | Comments Off on Wooster Collective!Wooster Collective has linked to us: “Graffiti Archaeology is one of the most ambitious, as well as impressive, web projects we’ve come across in quite some time. On the site, you can currently track over eleven graffiti covered walls to see how they’ve changed over time. Some of the photos date back to 1998, so you can see five years of evolution. The site has an extremely user friendly interface that lets you see the wall evolve in a time lapse fashion.” Thanks fellas!
new wall: 22nd/south
November 24, 2003 on 12:40 am | In site updates | Comments Off on new wall: 22nd/southNew wall: 22nd/south. Six new layers, from 1999 to the present.
The end of an era.
November 22, 2003 on 12:43 am | In local news | Comments Off on The end of an era.On February 2, 2003, I went to the cavern to find about a dozen guys in orange vests buffing the whole place with paint rollers. Here’s a brief timelapse video of the process.

(quicktime 75k)
Site officially launched!
November 22, 2003 on 12:41 am | In site updates | Comments Off on Site officially launched!We’ve been hammering on the Flash and the site design for a good year now, and it is finally just about ready. Welcome to GRAFARC version 1.0. I hope you enjoy it. We currently have a backlog of about twenty new layers of pix to add to the site, so come back often for updates.
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