Venice beach story

December 21, 2003 on 12:30 am | In global news | 1 Comment

From effyoo on the 12ozprophet forum: “when I was in LA, I was staying on Venice beach and checked the walls every morning after i got my orange juice. There was 2 or 3 new pieces every day. One morning I come out and it looked like someone smashed one of the walls with a sledge hammer or something. there was a crater 6 inches deep that was blasted away and you could see all the layers of paint that had been placed there over the years. It made me wonder just how everything had changed to create a layer of paint at least 6 inches deep. thats alot of fucking paint. and alot of pieces that people put heart into.”

1 Comment

  1. hello

    Comment by poohead — March 18, 2006 #

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