GRAFARC on CNN Headline News

January 27, 2004 on 6:41 pm | In events and press | 1 Comment

Today GRAFARC was featured on CNN Headline News. They invited me in to their San Francisco studio for a two-minute interview. It was a pretty crazy experience: the news anchor was in Atlanta, and though I could hear her voice through the little Agent Smith style earbud they gave me, I never once saw her face. In fact, since the camera was robotic, there wasn’t anyone else in the room at all, except Eric, who was there to take pictures and try to make me crack up on camera. Here’s what the studio looks like:

1 Comment

  1. I have just posted letter at first did not think was related to Graffiti. But is related in such high reguard. Im writing back incase you should feel as your reading this is not related and discard premature. That the related area of this letter is in the ( PS ) section at bottom of the page. Thanks David A. Gillilan

    Comment by David A. Gillilan — August 24, 2005 #

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