Piece by Piece

January 11, 2005 on 4:40 pm | In local news | 2 Comments

It’s been many months since we’ve updated the site, but it’s not for lack of interest. My computer was busted, and it only just got fixed. I’ve been steadily gathering photos all this time, and there is some really special stuff coming your way very soon. Look for more updates sometime in the next month or two.

Also, I’ve started posting photos on Flickr, a kickass photo-sharing website. Check out the grafarc group photo pool if you want to see some of the raw photos that will someday get
incorporated into this site!

Meanwhile, here’s a plug for a local film you will not want to miss: Piece by Piece, a brand new documentary about the history of San Francisco graffiti, is playing this Thursday night only, January 13th, at the Roxie in San Francisco’s Mission district. Showtimes are 7 and 9pm. (I’ll be at the 9pm show if anyone wants to hook up.)

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