Flickr badges
June 26, 2005 on 11:08 pm | In site updates | Comments Off on Flickr badgesOur Flickr group keeps growing, and its members (all 249 of them) are continuing to submit interesting photos from all over the world. The fine folks at Flickr have provided some very handy new tools, such as a photo “badge” that shows the most recent photos added to the pool. I’ve added one to the sidebar of this blog, so you can easily check what’s new.
If you have digital photos you’d like to submit to Graffiti Archaeology, it’s pretty easy: get yourself a free Flickr account, upload your photos, and add them to the Graffiti Archaeology group. If you’re old school and only shoot on film, don’t let that stop you. We’d be happy to scan your classic flicks. Just drop us a line (info “at” grafarc “dot” org) and we’ll set things up.
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