new location: cove

July 26, 2005 on 12:00 am | In site updates | Comments Off on new location: cove

After just six months of shooting pictures and trawling the web, I’ve gathered enough layers to do a thorough treatment of one of my current favorite San Francisco spots, which I’ll call cove. Many thanks to Claudine and Del for contributing their bright, shiny photos!

This is just one of several walls. Look for more from this spot in the coming months…

large pure oh action!

July 25, 2005 on 7:03 am | In events and press | Comments Off on large pure oh action!

Graffiti Archaeology just got a nice writeup in Spiegel Online. If you can’t read German, there’s always the Babelfish autotranslation: “If one decreases/goes back the years, one becomes a witness a large pure oh action.”

Update: we now have a much better translation, thanks to Gisela Rodenbeck (Eric’s mom!)

Continue reading large pure oh action!…

Help save Belmont Art Park

July 13, 2005 on 4:53 pm | In global news | Comments Off on Help save Belmont Art Park

Belmont Art Park, site of the famous tunnel featured on the cover of the recent New York Times article, is still in danger of being destroyed. The culprit: a housing developer who has repeatedly demonstrated disrespect for both the law and the local community’s wishes.

Belmont Art Park United is preparing a letter from the community to the local government board with authority over the site. If you’d like to add your name to the signature list, please send an email to with your name and the group you represent. Better yet, write your own letter, and send it to this address:

CalEPA, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region

320 W. 4th Street, Suite 200

Los Angeles, CA 90013

Attn: Yue Rong, PhD


For more details, read on:

Continue reading Help save Belmont Art Park…

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