New layer: 19th Street

January 8, 2006 on 7:06 pm | In site updates | 1 Comment

I actually added this layer a couple of weeks ago, but wasn’t able to post the update because the server hacking incident knocked out our ability to edit the blog until just now. Shown here are three new pieces by Apex, Neon, and Jase, plus some amazing characters by Chor Boogie from San Diego.

1 Comment

  1. yooo man thats pretty fresh much respects to you guys and i support you guys 10000000000000% i should be heading out there in feb for an art show for more info hit me bak and yo if you have any links on some venues that would be down to have a show hit me up peace and respects again

    Comment by chorboogie — January 13, 2006 #

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