New layers: bluxome

February 19, 2006 on 12:25 am | In site updates | Comments Off on New layers: bluxome

Shown here: bluxome/eastC layer 7, March 2001. Photos by Peter Merridew. Artists, from left to right: QUAKE, CODEAK, APEX.

Going through my archives of photos scraped from the web, I stumbled upon some missing layers from the Bluxome alley. Appearing under “bluxome/eastB” and “bluxome/eastC” are five new layers of photos, courtesy of Peter Merridew, Susan Farrell, and Maseo on Art Crimes (the web’s original graffiti site, an amazing resource in case you didn’t already know about it). The new layers fill in some gaps in the period from 2000-2001 (during which I didn’t take nearly enough pictures) and feature work by BLIS, GIANT, APEX, NEON, CODEAK, SHIME, QUAKE, ZORE, and others.

This brings the site’s total count to 217 layers, distributed among 22 walls from 10 locations. This is still only a small fraction of what I have to share. I’ll do my best to keep updating the site with new material as time allows!

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