New wall: bluxome/eastB

February 9, 2006 on 12:32 am | In site updates | Comments Off on New wall: bluxome/eastB

Finally, at long last, the middle of the east wall on Bluxome alley is ready! I had the left and right ends of the wall finished a while ago, but this center section has seen a lot of action over the past seven years, and it took some time to put it all together. Hopefully it was worth the wait: this section features not one but six different pieces by APEX, as well as work by ATOM, IVORY, BLIS, ZORE, SEAK, DAIM, MARS-1, PICASSO, PERSUE, QUAKE, AEROE, SPOZE, POSH, and others. That’s fourteen layers of mind candy for your screen-sore eyes.

Watch this space for more updates… now that this wall is done, I can start going through my hundreds of photos from the other wall.

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