New wall: Florida

July 4, 2006 on 10:18 pm | In site updates | Comments Off on New wall: Florida

Shown here: florida/east 8, January 15, 2006. Pieces by Curve, Does(?), Pastime and Erupto.

Tonight instead of watching the fireworks I made good on a promise… I said I’d update the site, so here’s an update. Flickr user Irieposse uploaded some classic pieces from the 1990’s to our group pool. Those pieces were painted on a wall that is, amazingly, still running today. I’ve been shooting this same wall since 2002, so between the two of us, our photos span 15 years of history. You can really see how styles have changed. Featuring work by Amaze, Some, Hast, MSA, Deen, Dug, Curve, Diet, Igni, Obces, Pest, Ceat, Does, Pastime, Erupto, Eklips, Reyes, Hense, Sever, Steel, Norm, Amanda Lynn, Eyeko, Bles, and a few others I can’t ID.

Many thanks to Irieposse for opening up that shoebox!

Brooklyn Museum seeks bklyn graf flicks

July 2, 2006 on 6:39 pm | In global news | Comments Off on Brooklyn Museum seeks bklyn graf flicks

An interesting message was posted in our Flickr group, and I thought I’d repost it here:

The Brooklyn Museum has a great new Graffiti show running through Sept 30. We’ve created a new group and are asking for all Brooklyn Graffiti photos… so join our group and send your photos to the group stream!

Here’s the group:

More about the show:

More about our projects on Flickr:

I grew up in an apartment building across the street from the Brooklyn Museum. The subway train I took to school every day was covered with graffiti inside and out. Now the graffiti has moved into the museum itself. Funny how things come full circle!

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