new layers: cove

August 6, 2006 on 2:44 am | In site updates | Comments Off on new layers: cove

Shown here: cove/eastZ 48, June 24, 2006. Pieces by Begr, King157 and Kiroe, and characters by Twick.

A dozen was a pretty good esimate: it turned out to be 14 new layers on the cove/eastZ wall, bringing the total up to an amazing 48 layers. That is a lot of paint. The new layers feature work by ADAPT, AERO, AMEND, AREN, BABYD, BEGR, BURY, CAMOE, DISEK, DOLE, EAROK, FUNDS, KELOE, KING157, KIROE, MBSF, MESR, MILE, MYST, NOSER, PAYDIRT, PAZT, PLEASE, POLAR, PONCE, RMY, RUSTO, SEKO, SIEZ, SKAN, SPIROE, TWICK, WHORE, and as always, a few others that I can’t quite make out.

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