A video tour of 11 Spring
November 27, 2006 on 4:06 pm | In global news | Comments Off on A video tour of 11 SpringThe news about 11 Spring keeps rolling in! I was just in New York for a week, and happened to be staying within walking distance, so I was able to stop by a few times. Each trip was rewarded with something new, sometimes big (like Skewville’s amazing Grand Closing installation) and other times small (like Mark Jenkins’ almost invisible packing tape baby).
Meanwhile, Michael Natale over at GammaBlog has put together a really nice video about the building, using Flash to combine his own photos with others’ (including one of mine) for a sort of audiovisual guided tour, complete with narration and mood music. I’ve always wanted to build some kind of tool for telling stories, building linear narratives that weave through time and space, within the grafarc interface. Mike’s video proves that a guided tour can be quite compelling when done well! It’s also a great example of Creative Commons licensing and remix culture at its best.
Look for more updates and new walls in the coming months.
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