Cascading time slices

September 18, 2023 on 12:42 am | In site updates | Comments Off on Cascading time slices

Here’s something new! A few years ago (checks notes… uh, 9 years ago!) I started working on some different ways of visualizing the changes on the walls I’ve documented for this project. Some of the walls are very long, and fit dozens of burners end to end. If you stitch together a slice for each moment in time, you can stack up the slices and get this interesting cascading effect. Some pieces get gone over quickly, while others (like this one by TWICK from 2005) stay up for months. The long-lasting pieces become stalactites of color dripping down through time.

An animated GIF. Starting with a closeup of a graffiti piece by TWICK, we zoom out slowly to reveal that it's just one slice of a timelapse stack showing all the changes that have happened along a much larger wall over a span of years.
A preview of things to come…

I’m working my way through some of my favorite walls now. Ultimately the goal is to print these in the biggest format possible, so you can step up close and appreciate the details, and then stand back and grok the whole history at once, like an all-seeing graffiti god.

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