Two new spots: Belmont and Bluxome

March 30, 2005 on 4:35 pm | In site updates | Comments Off on Two new spots: Belmont and Bluxome

I’m pleased to announce two new additions to the site.

Belmont, aka the Belmont Tunnel or the Toluca Train Yards, is our first spot in the graf mecca of Los Angeles. This spot has a tremendous history: it began in 1925 as a station for one of LA’s first public transit lines, the Pacific Electric Railway. The train lines were shut down in the 1950’s, and the abandoned tunnel was used in the 80’s as a set for the sci-fi TV series “V”. Around the same time, the tunnel and the walls around it became a focal point for graffiti writers from LA and beyond. It has remained a prime spot for at least twenty years. Now many of the walls are being illegally destroyed by a big condo developer, and residents of the neighborhood are fighting back. You can read more about it on the Belmont Art Park website.

Bluxome is another long-running favorite. This San Francisco alley has been the domain of the BA Crew and friends for many years now, a permission wall where the writers can take their time, and the work shows it. Expect more walls and more layers over the months to come.

Meanwhile, gigantic props are due to the Graffiti Archaeology group on Flickr! Now running 130 members strong, the group has contributed over 500 amazing photos, from four continents and an island. It’s going to take quite some time to process them all, but one way or another, we will! In the meantime, check out some of these tags for a preview:

Bunker by txmx .2

Kelvinbridge by duncan

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