Psycho City

January 31, 2004 on 6:39 pm | In local news | Comments Off on Psycho City

Today I started work on reconstructing Psycho City. I stopped by the parking lot on Market where this great spot used to be, and grabbed a piece of chipped paint from one of the walls. Check out what it looks like under the scanner:

If you, kind reader, have any old photos from Psycho City, please drop me a line. We have the technology. We can rebuild it.

GRAFARC on CNN Headline News

January 27, 2004 on 6:41 pm | In events and press | 1 Comment

Today GRAFARC was featured on CNN Headline News. They invited me in to their San Francisco studio for a two-minute interview. It was a pretty crazy experience: the news anchor was in Atlanta, and though I could hear her voice through the little Agent Smith style earbud they gave me, I never once saw her face. In fact, since the camera was robotic, there wasn’t anyone else in the room at all, except Eric, who was there to take pictures and try to make me crack up on camera. Here’s what the studio looks like:

interesting article in WSJ

January 23, 2004 on 6:42 pm | In global news | 2 Comments

Graffiti Artists Put Their Mark On War Against Terrorism. “When the government stonewalled efforts by Greenpeace’s Toxics Campaign to find out about the shipment of dangerous chemicals through the U.S. capital, the organization turned to an unlikely source of railway information: graffiti artists.” (From the Wall Street Journal. Here is the original link, but you have to subscribe to read it, so I’ve reposted it here.

Photos from DORKBOT-SF

January 14, 2004 on 6:44 pm | In events and press | Comments Off on Photos from DORKBOT-SF

The DORKBOT-SF event was a blast! Here are some photos:

Also, the fine fellows at False Profit asked me to put the word out: the wall in front of their space is an open canvas for artists. Right now there’s some excellent work up there by D23. Anyone interested in painting there, please contact them.


January 7, 2004 on 6:46 pm | In events and press | Comments Off on GRAFARC at DORKBOT-SF

I’ll be giving a presentation about the making of Graffiti Archaeology at the DORKBOT-SF event next week: Wednesday, January 14th at 7:30pm, at False Profit. Save the date!

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