Graffiti events at RESFEST 2005
September 16, 2005 on 12:29 pm | In local news | 1 CommentRESFEST 2005 hits San Francisco next week, and it looks like there will be plenty of interest for Bay Area graffiti heads. If you’re not already planning to be dancing your ass off at the Love Parade, be sure to check these two events on Saturday, September 24th:
2:15pm: Street Art or Not, a roundtable discussion featuring Jeff Chang (Can’t Stop Won’t Stop), Doug Pray (Infamy), John Trippe (Fecalface), plus more TBA.
8pm: Infamy, a feature documentary about graffiti, directed by the same Doug Pray who brought us the great turntablism doc Scratch a few years back.
So if you’re in SF, swing by the Palace of Fine Arts to check this all out. Maybe I’ll see you there. (I’ll be the dorky looking guy with the camera.)
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quasistoic & i will be there… we’ll be the other photo geeks. :)
Comment by Claudine — September 18, 2005 #