New layers: belmont

February 25, 2006 on 1:28 pm | In site updates | Comments Off on New layers: belmont

Photo by Scott Garner.

Jonathan Tobin recently created a Flickr group for photos of the Belmont Art Park in Los Angeles. Scott Garner added some photos he took during a film shoot he was working on (one of many that used to happen at that location). I thought it’d be fun to show a little before-and-after on one of his photos. Above is the original photo, and below is how it appears in grafarc. The perspective warp, which was necessary to make the front of the building line up with the other layers, ends up distorting the people and equipment quite a lot.

Shown here: belmont/building layer 4, April 25 2004. Photo by Scott Garner.

I’ve also added another of Scott’s photos from the same date to the belmont/tunnel area.

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