New location: the Candle Building, NYC
November 13, 2006 on 12:40 pm | In site updates | Comments Off on New location: the Candle Building, NYC
Shown here: candle/south 11, November 6, 2006. Photos by Nicholas Noyes.
At long last, Graffiti Archaeology hits New York! As I mentioned earlier, we’ve been covering the Candle Building (11 Spring Street) for a couple of years now. But the pace of change has picked up sharply in the past week thanks to our friends at Wooster Collective. The south wall now features fresh work by artists Michael De Feo, Above, Elbow-Toe, WK Interact, and The London Police. Earlier layers include the work of Judith Supine, Shepard Fairey, Empte Eyes, and more.
I’m happy to be able to show some different styles of artwork on the site. Graffiti Archaeology was originally inspired by the aerosol arts of San Francisco, but the idea is not bounded by style or location. Many thanks to the New York-based photographers who contributed to this montage: Nicholas Noyes, Sam Horine, Jake Dobkin, Luna Park, and guy_on_the_streets.
I’ll be in New York next week to get one more layer of shots. I’m already working on a montage of the much larger western wall of this building, but it will have to wait ’til I get back. Stay tuned.
Update: check Gothamist for the inside scoop on the Candle Building (literally!)
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