Style as Superpower
September 29, 2007 on 5:06 pm | In related links | Comments Off on Style as SuperpowerThere’s always been a strange connection between the graf world and the world of superheroes. Maybe it’s the secret identities, or the way things tend to happen at night. Jonathan Lethem brought out a piece of it in his novel The Fortress of Solitude, which is really worth reading. Now there’s a group of animators approaching the same idea from another angle: a hiphop/anime hero who can absorb energy from graffiti walls, and use the style to fight his enemies. Check out the teaser video: Blokhedz. Arrow fight! Gotta love it.
(via Cartoon Brew)
Rediscovered by the online press
September 24, 2007 on 8:07 pm | In events and press | Comments Off on Rediscovered by the online pressWow! Graffiti Archaeology has been making the rounds of some very cool blogs and online magazines lately. A couple of weeks ago, we were featured on Infosthetics, a wonderful site dedicated to information design. (I’ve been a fan of their site for years!) And then this week, we got hit by the trifecta of Drawn!, Laughing Squid, and Juxtapoz. I particularly like that last one, because they really get what we’re all about, and they ask their readers to participate in the project by submitting their own photos (which they can easily do over at our Flickr group.)
Welcome, everybody! Hope the site’s not too slow from all the traffic!
new layers: cavern
September 9, 2007 on 10:38 pm | In site updates | Comments Off on new layers: cavern
Shown here: cavern/westB layer 34, August 26, 2007. Pieces by SILENCER, NOVAK, DRSK, WARF, SESTOR, BEATS, and STEEL.
Added ten new layers to various walls at the Cavern, bringing a few parts of it all the way up to date. Check out westB, north, and outside for the latest stuff. This spot has had some interesting action in the past year: it became a bit of a battleground for a few months, with lots of people dissing each other. That phase came to an abrupt end when the walls got buffed in April. Now, after a few months of tentative tags, it has started attracting full-on pieces of the highest quality. Will the trend continue? Only time will tell…
New layers: 22nd/west
September 3, 2007 on 11:12 pm | In site updates | Comments Off on New layers: 22nd/west
22nd:west layer 13. Pieces by DRAMA, STEEL and JAPAN; throwie by ESMA.
Despite the untimely destruction of the Tire Beach free wall, or perhaps because of it, other spots in SF have continued to get a lot of aerosol love. This latest update completes the death-rebirth cycle on one of the very first walls we’ve covered here, with four new layers progressing from tags and throwies up to some outstanding burners. Enjoy.
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