Wilkommen, Bemvindo, Welkom…

October 17, 2007 on 9:56 pm | In events and press | Comments Off on Wilkommen, Bemvindo, Welkom…

In addition to the popular blogs in English, lately I’ve been seeing a lot of links in to this site from foreign-language sites. It’s great to see how people from different cultures respond to the project. Here’s a quick roundup of recent international trackbacks:

Dutch: fontanel.nl thenielsch.web-log.nl flabber.nl

French: uqam.ca canalblog.com 2m3.net gayattitude.com pigtailbou liminarie.fr ecrans.fr fandart disobedience.be fluctuat.net insiturb1 uqam.ca netocean.free.fr

German: bluesbrothers sauglattismus blackbook.de kraftfuttermischwerk.de

Italian: lnx.zigolo.net visionet-art ilcannocchiale.it pimpmytrain.com

Japanese: parks12 designwork-s.com coliss.com bangchoo

Latvian: xlt.lv

Romanian: teoblog.com

Portuguese: agenciaging.com.br followwe e-ventos-tecnologicos perdidonaweb

Russian: visualstyle.ru

Spanish: webonauta inicios.es cuartoderecha revistasebo psicoexcesos.com bullmanu.com

Swedish: iman.se

I’ll keep this updated as new links come up.

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