Graffiti Archaeology in Architect Magazine
March 30, 2008 on 12:46 pm | In events and press | Comments Off on Graffiti Archaeology in Architect MagazineArchitect Magazine runs a monthly column called “Screen Grab” that covers websites of interest to their readers. The March 2008 column is about Graffiti Archaeology. It’s a very short read, but it was a fun interview to do, because I got to try to think about the project from an architectural perspective for a change. One minor correction—this quote was taken out of context:
Since its launch in 2002, Curtis says, the site has helped make the urban art form “a more unified global cultural phenomenon” by offering an interactive database for visitors to peruse.
I wasn’t talking about Graffiti Archaeology there, but about graffiti websites in general! was not the first such site, and it won’t be the last. If anyone should get credit for making graf a more unified global phenomenon, it should be Art Crimes.
We got bombed again…
March 5, 2008 on 10:37 pm | In site updates | 2 CommentsSorry for the change in appearance here at Graffiti Archaeology News– our old blogging software got hacked by phishers, and we had to port everything from Movable Type to WordPress, leaving some templates and stuff behind.
Things may be a little squirrely around here for a little while. Stay tuned for updates.
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