We got bombed again…

March 5, 2008 on 10:37 pm | In site updates | 2 Comments

Sorry for the change in appearance here at Graffiti Archaeology News– our old blogging software got hacked by phishers, and we had to port everything from Movable Type to WordPress, leaving some templates and stuff behind.

Things may be a little squirrely around here for a little while. Stay tuned for updates.


  1. At least with WordPress we can actually leave comments again!

    Comment by admin — March 5, 2008 #

  2. Hi Cassidy, am a archaeologist from Venezuela, and i would like to take a word with you about your work in graffiti archaeology! if you can email me at this adress: victorjvalentinm@yahoo.com Tahnks! and i hope you sooner answer!

    Comment by VictorJValentinM — April 30, 2008 #

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